This year’s soil moisture workshop will be hosted by Michigan State University. It will take place 4-6 June 2024 in East Lansing, Michigan.
The issue with the contact form for registered users has been resolved. Authenticated users can again rely on the contact form.
The Offline product "Metop ASCAT DR2021EXT SSM time series 12.5 km sampling" corresponding to the extension of data record SSM ASCAT DR2021 TS12.5 (H119), has been released.
The Data record Metop ASCAT DR2021 SSM time series 12.5 km sampling (H119) has been released and covers the period 01-01-2007 – 31-12-2020.
Today the EUMETCast Full dissemination of the following precipitation products has started and they are now officially released:
The EUMETCast Full dissemination of the Operational precipitation product H60 (P-IN-SEVIRI-PMW) will start the 09/06/2022.
The H SAF H60 product (P-IN-SEVIRI-PMW) is the Blended SEVIRI / LEO MW precipitation estimates. Instantaneous precipitation maps are generated combining geostationary (GEO) IR images from operational geostationary satellites calibrated by precipitation measurements from MW images on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, processed soon after each acquisition of a new image from GEO. A separate treatment is performed for convective precipitation: the morphologic information and the enhancement of precipitation estimate is done by the use of NEFODINA software.
The EUMETCast Full dissemination of the Pre-Operational Precipitation product H61 (P-AC-SEVIRI-PMW) will start the 09/06/2022.
The H SAF H61 product (P-AC-SEVIRI-PMW) is the Accumulated Precipitation at ground by blended MW and IR. H61B integrates the instantaneous precipitation maps generated by P-IN-SEVIRI-PMW product (based on inter-calibrated Level 2 PMW instantaneous precipitation rate estimates blended with 10.8 μm channel from SEVIRI instrument). The integration is performed providing hourly the 1 hour accumulated precipitation and every six hours (at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC) the 24 hour accumulated precipitation. The "Pre-Operational" status is justified by the following limitation affecting the H61B product: the instantaneous product that combines the PMW precipitation estimation with GEO IR channel products on boxes of 2.5° in geographical latitude and longitude, and H61B (the integration) could accentuate discontinuities between adjacent boxes. The problem is currently under resolution.
The EUMETCast Full dissemination of the Operational Precipitation product H60 (P-IN-SEVIRI_E) will start the 09/06/2022.
The H SAF H63 product (P-IN-SEVIRI_E) is the Blended SEVIRI / LEO MW precipitation estimates over IODC area.
Instantaneous precipitation maps are generated combining geostationary (GEO IODC) IR images from operational geostationary satellites calibrated by precipitation measurements from MW images on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, processed soon after each acquisition of a new image from GEO IODC. A separate treatment is performed for convective precipitation: the morphologic information and the enhancement of precipitation estimate is done by the use of NEFODINA software.
The EUMETCast Full dissemination of the Operational Precipitation product H68 (P-IN-PMW will start the 09/06/2022.The H SAF H68 product (P-IN-PMW) is the Gridded MW instantaneous precipitation rate based on intercalibrated PMW instantaneous precipitation rate estimates on extended H SAF area. This is a Level 3 product providing gridded MW precipitation rate at regular time intervals. It is based on instantaneous precipitation rate estimates available from P-IN-SSMIS (H01), P-IN-MHS (H02B), P-IN-ATMS (H18), H-AUX-17, H-AUX-20, combined and intercalibrated. For each 30 minute time interval, all orbits of LEO satellite carrying PMW radiometers (SSMIS, AMSR-2, GMI, ATMS, AMSU/MHS) available over the MSG extended H SAF area are considered, to provide one unique precipitation rate estimate in each grid-box.
The EUMETCast Full dissemination of the Pre-Operational precipitation product H90 (P-AC-SEVIRI_E) will start the 09/06/2022.
The H SAF H90 product (P-AC-SEVIRI_E) is the Accumulated Precipitation at ground by blended MW and IR over IODC area.
H90 integrates the instantaneous precipitation maps generated by P-IN-SEVIRI-E product (based on inter-calibrated Level 2 PMW instantaneous precipitation rate estimates blended with 10.8 μm channel from SEVIRI IODC instrument). The integration is performed providing hourly the 1 hour accumulated precipitation and every six hours (at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC) the 24 hour accumulated precipitation.
The "Pre-Operational" status is justified by the following limitation affecting the H63 product: the instantaneous product that combines the PMW precipitation estimation with GEO IR channel products on boxes of 2.5° in geographical latitude and longitude, and H90 (the integration) could accentuate discontinuities between adjacent boxes. The problem is currently under resolution.
The EUMETCast Full dissemination of the Operational Precipitation product H64 (P-AC-SM2RAIN) will start the 09/06/2022.
The H SAF H64 product (P-AC-SM2RAIN) is the Precipitation/Soil Moisture integrated product. This products provides Gridded daily precipitation obtained by merging soil moisture-derived rainfall, obtained through the application of SM2RAIN to the SSMASCAT-A/B-NRT-O12.5 (H16 and H101, H104) soil moisture products, with the H-AUX-23 or H-AUX-67 rainfall estimates.
Dear users,
we are pleased to announce that today the EUMETCast Full dissemination in NetCDF of the Soil Moisture product H26 (Metop ASCAT NRT Root Zone Soil Moisture Profile Index 10km resolution) starts and that the product is officially released.
The EUMETCast Full dissemination in NetCDF of the Soil Moisture product H26 (Metop ASCAT NRT Root Zone Soil Moisture Profile Index 10km resolution) „Operational“ product, will start on the 24/03/2022. This product supplies the analysed liquid soil moisture profile index for four different soil layers (covering the root zone from the surface to ~ 3metres) generated by the ECMWF soil moisture assimilation system at 24 hour time steps. It takes the heritage from H14 which was at lower resolution and longer timeliness.
The H14 (SM-DAS-2) NRT product will be discontinued in approximately one year. A specific date for the H14 discontinuation will be given in due course.
Dear users, we inform you that, the offline product H116 ASCAT SSM CDR v5 EXT 12.5 km has been updated and it now covers the period 2019-01-01 until 2021-12-31.
The 5th H SAF User Workshop supported by EUMeTrain will be held in online mode from January 24th, 2022 to January 28th, 2022. The workshop objectives will be:
Further infromation about the agenda, the registration and the abstract submission procedure can be found here.