Friday, September 13th, 2024
The Snow Water Equivalent by MW radiometry product H65 (SN-SWE-HH) has been released and it will now be avaulable on EUMETCast.
The H SAF H65 product (SN-SWE-HH) is gridded MW daily SWE observation for Northern Hemisphere. H65 is extension of H13 product to full Northern Hemisphere coverage with improved error estimates added.
The product is a merge between two approaches. For flatlands and forested areas snow depth data from weather stations are used to produce a first guess that is converted into MW brightness temperatures by an emission model.
An assimilation process is then used to force the first guess field to match MW brightness temperatures from SSMIS instrument aboard DMSP 18 satellite.
For mountainous areas, look up tables are used to fix any unrealistic snow density values retrieved from assimilating the satellite observations.
The H SAF H65 daily product is made available three days after each full Hemispheric coverage by SSMIS instument.
The product is offered in EASE2 equal area scalable earth grid, offering easy summation of liquid water volume over larger areas of interest.