Scatterometer Root Zone Soil Moisture Climate Data Record 10km resolution
- Type: offline product
- Coverage: global
- Resolution (horizontal): 0.1 degrees (~10 km)
- Accuracy
- Threshold (CC): 0.5
- Target (CC): 0.65
- Optimal (CC): 0.8
- Dissemination: Values on a regular 0.1 degrees grid, in GRIB and NetCDF via FTP
- Eumetsat Navigator URL:
H142 is the extension of H141 at a yearly frequency, from 2019 to 2021. It consists of reprocessed
liquid soil moisture profile index for four different soil layers (covering the root zone from the
surface to ~ 3 metres) generated by the offline ECMWF land surface data assimilation system with
24-hour assimilation windows. This product provides a consistent time series of both surface and
root zone soil moisture with a daily global coverage, which is highly relevant for hydrological
applications and water budget investigations.