• Product images (click on image for animation, frame selection and zoom)
EPS Daily Snow Cover

Snow Cover (SC) is the presence of snow over land. SC plays an important role in the physics of land surface as it is involved in the processes of energy and water exchange with the atmosphere. SC is useful for the scientific community, namely for those dealing with meteorological and climate models. Accurate detection of snow in a pixel is also important for a wide range of areas related to land surface processes, including meteorology, hydrology, climatology and environmental studies

  • Coverage: Global
  • Cycle: Four products (integrals over 3, 6, 12 and 24 h) every three hours (rolling)
  • Resolution: 0.01° x 0.01°
  • Timeliness: 3 hours
  • Dissemination: FTP - EUMETCast
  • Formats: HDF5
To get data, please refers to the LSA SAF webpage

Short description of the basic principles for product generation

The EDSC (EPS Daily Snow Cover) corresponds to the identification of snow covered pixels using measurements from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on-board EUMETSAT polar system satellites, the Metop series. The EDSC product is available every on daily basis in plate-carre projection centred at (0°N, 0°W), with a resolution of 0.01°.

User Documents

Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document (ATBD)


Product User Manual (PUM)


Product Validation Report (PVR)


Operational Reports