• Product images (click on image for animation, frame selection and zoom)
Blended SEVIRI / LEO MW precipitation

  • Coverage: Full SEVIRI disk LAT 60°S - 67.5°N, LON 80°W - 80°E
  • Spatial Resolution: MSG-SEVIRI grid
  • Timeliness: 15 min

threshold target optimal
RR > 1 mm/24h   FSE% = 200% RR > 1 mm/24h   FSE% = 150% RR > 1 mm/24h   FSE% = 100%

Format Means Type
Values in grid points of the Meteosat projection (NetCDF) FTP, EUMETCast NRT

Characteristics and Methods

Instantaneous precipitation maps generated combining geostationary (GEO) IR images from operational geostationary satellites 'calibrated' by precipitation measurements from MW images on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, processed soon after each acquisition of a new image from GEO. The blending algorithm ('Rapid Update’) generates precipitation estimates combining the equivalent blackbody temperatures (TBB) at 10.8 μm with rain rates from all available Passive MW measurements. A separate treatment is performed for convective precipitation: the morphologic information and the enhancement of precipitation estimate is done by the use of NEFODINA software.

Validation method

Meteorological radar and rain gauge; use of spaceborne precipitation radar (TRMM and/or GPM) over Africa and Sothern Atlantic

User Documents

Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document (ATBD)


Product User Manual (PUM)


Product Validation Report (PVR)


Operational Reports