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Precipitation/Soil Moisture integrated product

Gridded daily precipitation obtained by merging soil moisture-derived rainfall with Passive Microwave (PMW) rainfall estimates, provided by H-AUX-23 and H67 precipitation products. The integration with soil moisture derived rainfall, obtained through SM2RAIN algorithm, will provide a more reliable estimation of rainfall accumulation at ground. Indeed, SM2RAIN uses two consecutives soil moisture observations, obtained through H101, H16 and H104 soil moisture products, to estimate the total amount of rainfall that infiltrates into the soil. The estimates rainfall is then integrated with high-quality PMW data in order to overcome the unavailability of precipitation estimates between to satellite overpasses.

  • Coverage: LAT 60°S - 75°N, LON 60°W - 60°E
  • Spatial Resolution: Resolution: 0.25°x0.25°
  • Timeliness: 3h

threshold target optimal
RR > 1 mm/24h   CC = 0.50 RR > 1 mm/24h   CC = 0.60 RR > 1 mm/24h   CC = 0.65

Format Means Type

Characteristics and Methods

Gridded daily precipitation obtained by merging soil moisture-derived rainfall, obtained through the application of SM2RAIN to the SSM ASCAT-A/B/C-NRT-O12.5 (H101, H16 and H104) soil moisture products, with Passive Microwave (PMW) rainfall estimates, available as H-AUX-23 and H67. More in details, the SM2RAIN algorithm will provide rainfall accumulation at ground between two consecutives soil moisture observations, whereas H-AUX-23 and H67 will provide high-quality precipitation estimates through a constellation of PMW satellites. The integration will provide a more reliable rainfall product due to the complementarity of the two approaches, allowing to overcome the limitations of each retrieval techniques. Moreover, the integration with PMW will allow to provide rainfall also over oceans. H64 will provide the accumulated rainfall over the H SAF Extended Area on a daily basis over a regular 0.25° grid. The product will provide the rainfall fallen the day before the date of the algorithm run.

Validation method

Meteorological ground radar, rain gauge over LAND only.

User Documents

Algorithm Theoretical Baseline Document (ATBD)


Product User Manual (PUM)


Product Validation Report (PVR)


Operational Reports